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Living as a vegetarian in Korea

by jols 2019. 5. 9.

It's been more than 10 years since I've become a vegetarian and I've lived most of the time in Korea.

Yes, it's true. It's not easy to live in Korea as a vegetarian.


If you're a vegetarian and thinking of coming to Korea, well, be prepared.

If you're going to cook yourself, it's fine. No problem.

But if you need to eat out most of the time, you might want to learn some necessary Korean sentences like "no meat, no seafood, no egg!"(it goes like this- "gogi, haesanmul, gyeran ANDOEYO!") 


There is a silver lining, though.

If you speak good Korean and have a nice smile and the restaurant owner is kind enough, you might be able to have a better meal than the one in any other countries!

I'm going to write postings on how to get a nice vegetarian meal in Korea and recommend some good vegetarian restaurants :)

One of the reasons I made this blog is to let lots of vegetarians know how to survive better in Korea.


Until then, try not to starve yourself, vegetarians!!!! :D


Happy Jols!!

